Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why I Write, Part x+94: I Can Do My Worst

I can do my worst – writing – and not break any laws.
Writing's one way I deal with all personal flaws.
I no longer feel urges to creep on the girls.
It's easier to write missives extolling their curls.
As an alternative to my cursing and raging
Using stories and verse, I can question or slay things,
and so I don't have to get so far up in my head.
I can just pour myself down my writing instead.


  1. I am glad that you write, for yourself. And what a nice bonus for others.

    What does "x+94" mean?

  2. I'm not certain exactly how many poems I've written about writing, but there are 95 labeled in the series (the first being Part x).
