Monday, July 26, 2021

Meet the New Habits, Same as the Old Habits

I repeat myself often, but only slant-rhyme.
I don't change, only fade, with the passage of time.
What were once firm positions are now merely leanings.
My playlist is old songs, but heard with new meanings.
I debate the old concepts with new groups of faces.
What I did and I wished for, over time, traded places.
As my years rose in number, I consistently found
Myself living in new places, treading old ground.
Still don't know where I'm going; never learned why I'm here,
But a life unexpected is nothing to fear.

I Am, Therefore I Am

A metronomic program,
Endowed by my creator
To maintain respiration
No matter whether I am
Acclaimed, well known, beloved,
The B-Side of my own single,
Abhorred, spat on, and hated,
Or like the points on Whose Line,
I am because I have been.