Saturday, May 26, 2012


The first man hides the ball and stares.
A second man, light-foot, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
The second watches, down it goes.
A third man, crouching, blocks the ball,
Then throws it back to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
A second man, light-foot, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws
The ball as high as light-foot's nose.
A third man, crouching, blocks the ball,
Then throws it back to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
A second man, light-foot, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
This time it's not too high or low.
The second knocks the ball aside.
Let's take another for a ride.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
A second man, light-foot, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
Three feet from light-foot this one goes.
A third man, crouching, blocks the ball,
Then throws it back to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
A second man, light-foot, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
Light-foot finds this one fast and close,
Trots ninety feet along a wall.
Croucher then returns the ball.

The first man palms the ball and stares.
The croucher then looks down, prepares,
Slaps his glove with fist and palm,
Exhorts the first man to be calm.
A third man, too-short, joins the show,
Pacing, pawing, wiggling so.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
The new man up, too-short, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws
and two-short tries to land a blow.
He twists and yanks, he gives his all.
He glances, knocks down, tops the ball.

First-man bends down and meets it there.
He spins to face a man, prepares.
To make a different, higher throw,
Spots his man, winds up, unloads.
The running man, light-foot, is fleet,
But won't manage this throw to beat.

The man where light-foot was prepares
As too-short's charge will finish there.
He opes his glove, expects a throw,
Which is delivered, but too slow.
Too-short is puffing, gives his all,
Arriving just before the ball.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
The newest man, well-built, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
Well-built twists, uncorks a blow.
Around, with speed, his bat he hauls,
Long before the slow-thrown ball.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
The newest man, well-built, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
This one starts high, but then dips low,
At well-built's knees, but not below.
The crouching man receives the ball,
Then throws it back to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
The newest man, well-built, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
Down, far from well-built, this ball goes.
The croucher moves to block the ball,
Then throws it back to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
The newest man, well-built, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
Down, far from well-built, this ball goes.
The croucher moves to block the ball,
Then throws it back to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
The newest man, well-built, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws.
Against the grain this new ball goes.
Well-built twists, adjusts his swing.
When bat hits ball, he's off and running.

He gives his all, runs out the play.
The ball's hit slow the other way.
A fielder comes up, bends down low,
Scoops it, steps, uncorks a throw.
He puts some mustard on the ball.
It beats well-built, not close at all,

But too-short's puffing, reaching stride
Takes him where light-foot was turned aside.
He saw that well-built's hit was low.
He made his move, and none too slow.
Now first-man's teammates toss the ball.
A new one spins in first-man's palm.

The first man hides the ball and stares.
A beefy man, the bull, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws
A ball that moves from high to low.
The bull swings well above the ball.
The croucher blocks, returns the ball.

The first man hides the ball and stares
The beefy man, the bull, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws
A ball that's fast and high and close.
The bull stands firm, ignores the ball,
Which croucher throws to reset all.

The first man hides the ball and stares
The beefy man, the bull, prepares.
The first man kicks his foot and throws
A ball that's belt-high, not to close.
The bull unleashes nearly all
His strength when he attacks the ball.

Up as though it's climbing stairs
The ball goes, attracting many stares.
Up, then down, the hit ball goes
From sky to earth to find repose.
A glove there waits to catch the ball.
The bull and too-short stomp back, stalled.

Men run on and off the yard:
Informal changing of the guard.
A new man's out with a new ball.
He spits and spins it in his palm.
A second crouches ready there.
The first man hides the ball and stares.

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