Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Personal World, Part 19: Bittersweet Time Machine

I remember the first time that rhythm caught me.
It didn't exactly hit me in the head.
It was nothing nearly so violent as that.
It kind of grabbed me under the arm
and yanked me a quarter-turn around.

If you want to pick nits,
It was an illegal block above the waist.

Today, again, that same rhythm caught me.
It didn't exactly pull me to the ground.
After all, this isn't the first time around.
It kind of got in real close, face to face,
Until I let it take me by the hand
and lead me right back into the other moment.

If you want to pick nits,
It didn't leave room for the Holy Spirit.

I wonder when the rhythm will catch me again.
I wonder how gentle it will be next time.
Will it remind me of the winter, the couch, the friends,
Or the tragedies of the spring that followed behind?
Will it come with a caress or a kick?
All I know is that the rhythm is finished,
and it left me at least a little bit tired–

Perhaps not of it...
If you want to pick nits.

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