It takes more to mix a perfect day than a drink,
But I'll start with a few beers anyway, to help me think.
The beers need complementary flavor not to go to waste.
Add three meals, less square than old fashioned good taste.
With only twenty-four servings (well, hours) to spend,
The staple or base should be hangin' with friends.
Then to add something spicy, the ingredient next
Is an hour or two of the really good sex.
The perfect day can only be made in October, for this reason:
It's the only month that's baseball, football, and hockey season.
Finally, stir in five new poems (read 'em and weep).
This dish is best served on only five hours of sleep.
But I'll start with a few beers anyway, to help me think.
The beers need complementary flavor not to go to waste.
Add three meals, less square than old fashioned good taste.
With only twenty-four servings (well, hours) to spend,
The staple or base should be hangin' with friends.
Then to add something spicy, the ingredient next
Is an hour or two of the really good sex.
The perfect day can only be made in October, for this reason:
It's the only month that's baseball, football, and hockey season.
Finally, stir in five new poems (read 'em and weep).
This dish is best served on only five hours of sleep.
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