The crime drama's a common art,
Set in places near or far.
From Holmes to Brennan, for their times,
They're Bell or Hawking, solving crimes.
From science fiction to under the sea,
Spacemen and divers solve mysteries.
Lovers and fighters are respectively fans
Of spies solving crimes and the mystery romance.
For lawyerly readers, the scribes create sport
From the old "US vs.:" adversarial court.
If at long last you're tired of gumshoes effective,
Let Monk and Psych bring you defective detectives.
In tales of solving dirty deeds
The writers ran down all their leads,
But even though it's all been done
We still return for good clean fun.
Set in places near or far.
From Holmes to Brennan, for their times,
They're Bell or Hawking, solving crimes.
From science fiction to under the sea,
Spacemen and divers solve mysteries.
Lovers and fighters are respectively fans
Of spies solving crimes and the mystery romance.
For lawyerly readers, the scribes create sport
From the old "US vs.:" adversarial court.
If at long last you're tired of gumshoes effective,
Let Monk and Psych bring you defective detectives.
In tales of solving dirty deeds
The writers ran down all their leads,
But even though it's all been done
We still return for good clean fun.
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