In fact, at age ten, I thought now I'd
be dead.
I'm not just too impatient to make five
year plans;
(Do it)
I have found them torn up in reality's
I'm not famous for striking out
baseball stars.
I am not—and I won't be—the first
man on Mars.
I'm no diplomat
(Do it.)
I don't spend my days authoring
bestselling tomes,
Nor in teaching the youth to write
things of their own.
(Do. It.)
I had each of these dreams, of these
plans, hopes, and fears,
(What would happen?)
and each of them went bust in under
five years.
(Everyone would notice
So why speculate? I just started anew.
There's really no telling what else I
could do.
(Everyone would know.)
Sure, there are a few things I might
like to do,
But they're hardly worth thought, let
alone telling you.
(You're just chicken.)
If there's one thing life's taught me,
it's that time's current flows
Fast enough that a paddle won't change
where you go.
As for me, I've always preferred
(Bet you won't...)
There's no 4-D map drawn to show where
I'll be,
But wherever I am, and wherever I go,
(Do it.)
I'm sure I'll survive. It's the one
thing I know.
Embarrassing Fast Fact: this poem is biographically accurate. Line 6 refers to my earliest memory of picturing myself with a career, which was a fantasy of striking out Babe Ruth and Bugs Bunny in the World Series.