Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Welcome to the 21st

What goes into ensuring that a couple first meets?
They must survive scarcity, and the cars in the streets.
The must arrive close together in all four dimensions,
and must together feel comfort and sexual tensions
Both soon enough on meeting, and so long that they don't leave.
Precision timing keeps defining the children they conceive.
So much rests on which moment they choose to reproduce,
For the merest change in the timing sets other genes loose.
I would be a different person if you changed a few mutations
In any of the offspring of one hundred generations,
and if anyone surrounding them behaved much differently,
Through coincidence it's likely that I'd never come to be.
I'm not just a byproduct of long-lost-to-time romances.
I'm accumulated fallout from forefathers' circumstances.

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