Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Why I Write, Part x+215: Midsummer

Now is the midsummer of my discontent.
I grope for AC, but I've nary a vent.
A head-shrinker might call it a minor depression,
But I know that myself, so why schedule a session?
I suppose opinions might vary. Let's see.
Is there a such thing as reverse S.A.D.?
I suspect if there is, it's, at most, at the behest
Of the most very beautiful pharmaceutical reps,
and who doesn't have enough overdiagnosis in their lives?
A hippie would eschew the medical, and say I have “bad vibes,”
But the sixties are over. His argument is irrelevant.
I'm simply writing less, and what I do write doesn't rhyme.
At twenty-eight, am I skiing the back face of my prime?

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