Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sonnot x+6: Why I Write, Part x+36: I'm a Poser, or The Poet's Studied Innocence

Each poem I write, my writing exposes
Me as a poser, my narration as poses,
Cliches I don't do enough to avoid.
The subject of romance makes me a schizoid,
As infatuation awakens a dancing spring satry,
Whose love triangles spark wars in summer's heat.  Later,

If unrequited, my poor swimmer dives in the sea.
If successful, I taste love's many nectars as a bee.
As we grow together, so my metaphor grows:
Our dual trunks spread branches, shade life's sun-baked road.
When love ends, I play the victim, or make jokes at my expense.
I decide to write of nature with a studied innocence.

This change of subject serves to clear my mind
Until I seek union again, some new pose to find.

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