Friday, January 13, 2012

Tired, Pt. 2

I'm tired of looking at nothing and seeing you, and of doing all the work.
I'm tired of being Romeo, and Richard Cypher, and the jerk.
I grow weary of the chase.  It's not much fun when you won't play.
I can't have a game of tag when you storm off and drive away.

My writing's got so thick and syrupy it's bad enough to choke...
I'd go on, but I'm too tired now to finish off my jokes.

The pity and doubt are wearing me out,
So why don't you tell me what this is about?

This process of attraction, rejection and dejection's for the birds.
I'm tired of writing the same poem to the same girl, only changing the words,
But it's the only thing I know how to do.
(P.S. Dear Muse, you're a total nutcase.  I love you.)

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