I've just done some calculating.
You are quantifiably amazing.
I'm always putting things off,
Or I won't let them drop.
My unwillingness to appease
Inspires others' unease.
I talk nonstop, or in silence write rhymes
At the most bizarre, awkward times.
I choose bizarre, awkward themes.
At least, that's how it seems.
I have a selfish, unchristian worldview,
Plus way too many things to do,
Yet you stick by me anyway.
There's nothing else to say.
You are quantifiably amazing.
I'm always putting things off,
Or I won't let them drop.
My unwillingness to appease
Inspires others' unease.
I talk nonstop, or in silence write rhymes
At the most bizarre, awkward times.
I choose bizarre, awkward themes.
At least, that's how it seems.
I have a selfish, unchristian worldview,
Plus way too many things to do,
Yet you stick by me anyway.
There's nothing else to say.
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